Youth Art Camp | Ages 5-8 | Session 1 | Art in Nature

Tuesdays, June 11, 2024 to July 9, 2024


Students Ages 5 - 8

Ages: 5-8

Location: Schauer Center | 147 N. Rural Street | Rehearsal Hall
Instructors: Audrey Swigert

Tuition: $100
Includes all supplies.

Tuesdays 9:00 - 10:00 am | June 11, 18, 25, July 9

Session One: Art In Nature Find the natural art in your surroundings. With each week focusing on an aspect of nature, you’re sure to feel like you’re seeing the natural world through artistic eyes! Projects are planned for our younger artists’ abilities in mind. Come create your own nature pieces through different mediums with our fun new teacher, Ms. Audrey!

Register for both sessions right away and save 10% off the second session!

Contact the Education Director with any questions at or 262-670-0560 x6

 Before the first day of your child's class, please complete and return the 2024-2025 Schauer School of the Arts waiver electronically via e-mail to the Education Director, If this isn't convenient for you, you may bring a hard copy to the box office Monday-Friday, 12:00-5:00 pm, or the first day of class and give it to the instructor. Blank waivers will also be available at classes on the first day.
2024-25 SSA Waiver
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