Hartford Community Chorus Spring Concert




Sunday, May 4


Coming to America

The Hartford Community Chorus presents:
“Coming To America”

They came to America, sometimes alone, sometimes by twos or threes, sometimes in families, and sometimes as communities, but they came to find a new life. They brought very few belongings, primarily essential clothing, basic tools of their trade, some personal items like family photos, and often religious items, all packed in a single trunk due to limited space and cost on the ships. They often brought their cultural traditions and customs as well.

After an arduous sea voyage, immigrants arriving at Ellis Island were tagged with information from their shop’s registry; they then waited in long lines for medical and legal inspections to determine if they were fit for entry into the United States.

Some of America’s first settlers came in search of freedom to practice their faith. A larger share of immigrants came to America seeking economic opportunities. Because the price of passage was steep, an estimated one-half or more of the white Europeans who made the voyage did so by becoming indentured servants.

The Hartford Community Chorus will celebrate a number of their cultural traditions and customs in song.

The Hartford Community Chorus is under the artistic direction of Dr. Mark Weller.


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