Ages: Daisies through Cadets
Location: Schauer Center | 147 N. Rural Street
Instructors: TBD
Tuition: $15
Includes all supplies.
Saturday, April 13, 2024 | 10:00am-3:00pm
A unique arts enrichment opportunity exclusively for Girl Scouts! An interactive day of creative and performing art education led by professional teaching artists. This one day program features four 45-minute workshops in dance, music, theater and visual art. Participants will learn how the arts can help them develop the Three Keys of Leadership: Discover, Connect, and Take Action! Workshop includes a 30-minute lunch break. Food and beverage are NOT provided.
Contact the Education Director with any questions at or 262-670-0560 x6
Prior to the first day of your child's class, please complete and return the 2023-2024 Schauer School of the Arts Waiver electronically via email to Education Coordinator,
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